Photography & Portfolio Templates
Professional quality, Adobe Dreamweaver and Photoshop designed art & Photography & Portfolio templates that can be easily customized to reflect your company's branding. These templates are perfect for photography, portfolio sites, art exhibition, art gallery, wildlife video-graphy and a lot more.
These Photography & Portfolio templates are special in many ways:
- All templates are exclusively designed by 100+ creative web designers.
- All the following templates on this page are W3C validated. CSS templates are XHMTL validated.
- Beautiful color schemes and imagery used.
- Top quality support provided.
- 1 year of FREE web-hosting on our USA based Linux servers! (Optional - You can use your own)
- Easy to edit in Photoshop 7+ (CS+ recommended) and any html editor including Adobe Dreamweaver.
- Includes: sliced Photoshop PSD source file, html file, CSS file and fonts (if applicable).

Click on the movie links below to see how easy it is to edit the templates:
Editing Photoshop Templates Part 1
Editing Photoshop Templates Part 2
Editing Photoshop Templates Part 3

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When I was looking to redesign my website and started to look into templates, I found an overwhelming amount of sites offering them from free to hundreds of dollars. What made me stick with was the unbelievable price and the fact that I loved some of the designs right off the bat. And am I glad I did. The customer service alone is worth the 30 dollars. Every step of the way Waqar helped me with detailed instructions and even modified the template himself to my needs. At no extra cost. I recommend wholeheartedly.
When I was looking to redesign my website and started to look into templates, I found an overwhelming amount of sites offering them from free to hundreds of dollars. What made me stick with was the unbelievable price and the fact that I loved some of the designs right off the bat. And am I glad I did. The customer service alone is worth the 30 dollars. Every step of the way Waqar helped me with detailed instructions and even modified the template himself to my needs. At no extra cost. I recommend wholeheartedly.